Lets Dig in

Lets Dig in

A kit car brings a different dynamic to the mix, and it’s a normal progression in our society as well. Kit cars are, dare I say it, the “TikTok” remixes of the car world. Its more substantial though, instead of being washed away into the endless ocean of content, this stays with you, every day you look outside and it’s there.

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Are you Still Hungry?

Are you Still Hungry?

What a journey we have experienced from start to finish with Project Lamb. It was amazing to see where it came from and what it has become now, but let’s not say it’s finished yet. The heavy lifting for sure is done, but next week there will be more! I was finally behind the camera to capture how I felt about this amazing project ahh, am I excited to share this with you.

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Dio Mio, Is this "Gucci"?

Dio Mio, Is this "Gucci"?

On that day you have a really small meal that tastes amazing, for sure, and you wear your evening attire, and it’s an amazing occasion, photos are taken and you head back home, but let’s be honest, nothing beats the taste of a Gap Burger after you’ve had 5 beers and a few shots of rum. It’s greasy, it’s sloppy and it’s brash. All the photos are horrible and that’s the memory you keep with you forever. We all want that greasy gap burger for real. Burger Boys through and through.

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Project Lamb

Project Lamb

Yes, by the way, if you’re asking if it's a kit car you’d be right. No, if you think that just because it's a kit car it loses all validity and purpose of discussion, let’s get that out of the way to start. I think the fact that this is a kit means a lot more than if it was a real Countach, and at the end of this series of articles I am hoping you would feel the same way too.

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What gets you passionate?

What gets you passionate?

I remember my first ever heartbreak! For many it is their first relationship, but for me it was when he sold that car. Thankfully, shortly after, I got to fall in love with a new toy- the AE111 BZR. My favourite thing about this car was the way it sounded and the way it threw me back in my seat

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Since the last update the GC8 WRX has been through A LOT, project cars are a true test of patience, will power and financial wizardry.


In my last article, I mentioned the next step for the car would be getting some work done on the engine, and I did. It was way worse than anyone expected. The valve stem seals were worn and that's the reason the engine would smoke on cold starts.


The rod in the third cylinder was discoloured and extra toasty. The bearings were worn and pitted and there were oil leaks everywhere, I have no idea how this thing didn't blow up, maybe it was Subaru reliability? Now that the engine was rebuilt with new seals and bearings it runs like new.

WhatsApp Image 2018-08-14 at 1.42.37 PM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2018-08-14 at 2.14.55 PM.jpeg

My goal with this car has always been to get it back to stock form and keep it reliable and fun. I think I've achieved that, but I've wanted to have some fun with it. When I got the car back I decided to give drag racing a try. It's fun and challenging on its own but I'm more interested in something a little more technical and better suited to my car. Plus, I'm scared of blowing up my 5-speed during a 6k rpm launch.


What I've always been the most interested in was Autocross, we've covered a few autocross events and it's always been fun, the competition is friendly and healthy, it's a good group of people. So back in 2019, I decided to compete. I was a complete novice to this motorsport, I've never really pushed the car so I didn't know its limits. It was exciting. To this day (2021) I've done 9 events or 1 and 1/2 seasons. For my first event, I replaced the brake pads and just sent it, crappy tires and all. It was fun but the car was everywhere a N/A Toyota starlet with coil-overs beat me by two seconds, granted he is a good driver, but I knew my car could do better, even in stock form.


In an effort to make the car more suitable for the second event, I got new tires 205/45/16s just road tires. Competition tires weren't in the budget yet but maybe further down the line I'll get a set. I've also gotten a Cusco front and rear strut brace, which has really helped with the handling. The front of the car feels much stiffer now.


The more events I entered, the more I realized that the drivers skill is more important than the mods. Granted, good tires are probably the best mod you can make for this event but they're useless if you can't drive. Our autocross group held a training session recently and I let two of the previous champions drive my car and it felt completely different, I didn't know it could perform like that. I've decided to focus more on improving my driving skills rather than mod my car. All in all, the car performs amazingly, there's a lot of body roll because the suspension is still stock and my bushings are as old as time, but I'll get to that. I really need to become a better driver for now.

I’m looking forward to seeing what my mostly stock WRX can do.

I’m not that great, I was just  more consistent than the other rookies.

I’m not that great, I was just more consistent than the other rookies.

More to come - Keep Motoring Along

It's 2....3 years now? How deep in am I?

It's 2....3 years now? How deep in am I?

Maybe I was being looked after, but a really good friend of mine sent me a message with a picture randomly one afternoon, it was an image of a for sale post on Facebook Marketplace. I really thought taking on a second car wasn’t necessary but who would’ve known just a week later I would be in need of an entire car for my project, so I quickly recomposed myself and called the owner made a deal and made it mine.

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I don't even have a competitive bone in my body

I don't even have a competitive bone in my body

We caught up with Jason Downey and Kristina Pinto after Sol Rally Barbados, for a chat. We learned more about them, what inspires them, and drove them to take part in the 2020 rally. Find out about the spills and thrills and the unique opportunities had when persons pursue their passions with the spirit of persistence.

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It's called OEM+ right?

It's called OEM+ right?

Each of us can only say what we feel when it comes to the solution of that question. Some may want their car to be on steroids, nursing a bottle of nitrous-oxide and more juiced up than the Russian Olympic Team, and others love a car that breaks everyday, (I swear that’s not what FORD stands for). At the end of the day, we all need a hit, because driving is our passion.

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This Toyota Starlet EP82 is going to be the death of me

This Toyota Starlet EP82 is going to be the death of me

Every project needs to start somewhere, and bodywork was definitely on the top of the list along with suspension (more on that in another update), especially when you have a couple mini rust craters on the roof.

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