Lets Dig in
All this talk about “Gap Burgers” and the like, has us all in anticipation for this car, my eyes were ready to feast on the finished product created in front of us for the last few articles. I turned my camera lens toward Project Lamb and was not disappointed.
“Gimme de gap burger nuh”
Finally, seeing this car in person, I would like to share my thoughts and feelings in this article, it’s great to know the numbers and the mechanical aspects of this car but, the majority of the experience of owning a car like this touches on the emotional side. If you haven’t read the previous articles I will drop a link here for the first “Project Lamb” Article. I have touched on the specs of this motor, suspension, and drivetrain.
Cars are utilitarian devices, and they take us from one point to the other, before cars, we used carriages and before them we used horses and if we go further back we walked. Now here’s a thought, do you think in the year 6000 BC a well-to-do caveman would show off his latest iteration of “barefoot transportation”? It seems like a dumb thing to suggest, but how is it that in this day and age, our mode of transportation means more than just travel? Society needs art and art needs society. Artists carry with them the ideas and pervading thoughts of a generation of persons and they document them in the work they do.
I love art, I love design, and I love cars. When an artist, a mechanic, and an engineer come together, it makes something special. The “Countach” was a functional art piece. It looked like it belonged more in the living room than on the road. It’s exceptionally difficult to imagine this car sitting in traffic, but in the 1980s when this car first rolled off the lot it was something that happened. Its lines differ so much from the normal round body design of a turn-of-the-millennium car we know, or the square box of an older car from a similar age. This car was built to stand out.
A kit car brings a different dynamic to the mix, and it’s a normal progression in our society. Kit cars are, dare I say it, the “TikTok” remixes of the car world. It’s more substantial though, instead of being washed away into the endless ocean of content, this stays with you, every day you look outside and it’s there.
It’s a personal iteration of the best “Countach” in a person’s opinion. There are no numbers to match, no factory paint to maintain, and no random logos on parts to subtly place for a viewer to see by “accident on purpose” to make them feel they noticed something because they are observant. This gives free rein for the taillights and the wing to be from different eras of the model. The 25th-anniversary wing looked hella cool, but the more subtle full lens of the later model Countach was way more stylish and suited the body lines better.
This car was built around having fun, as crazy as the thought of driving it is, imagine driving it fast. Yes, this art piece that should be sitting in someone’s living room, will do immense numbers, if you have the constitution for it. I am not sure if the thrill of driving it fast comes from the thought of impending doom if it’s hit, or maybe the fun is derived solely from the speed. Perhaps it’s a mixture of both, you can ride on the razor’s edge of losing years of work and experiencing this machine come to life. It bites back, it attacks you whenever you let your guard down, but mastering it feels incredible.
The first man who took the step to go from barefoot to horseback, what was his reaction to experiencing the fastest he ever went in his life? How did feel when descended from the horse and parked it outside, did he crave the freedom of riding, lying on his back unable to sleep because of pure excitement? How did he feel knowing he had the only black horse in the village and it was the fastest? He would’ve made a special bond, only he and the horse would understand, solely because of a shared experience.
He could groom this horse, and tie its hair in different patterns, historically it varied from culture to culture. We can see where this obsession could have started. From horseback to chariot, from a single horse to 2 horses, to 4 horses, and the luxury of a coach and in our age, 400+ horses at your command, to take you where you need to go. Would you be able to sleep when you parked this or would you lay on your back unable to sleep because of pure excitement?
This car hits on all the points that make something enjoyable to own, and drive. It makes me so excited and I don’t even own it. writing this article, it really built up in me that excitement all over again when I saw it for the first time. It is something incredibly special. I am sure, everyone who loves their car will feel the same way, about their car, the freedom that comes with the car, and the enjoyment you gain from using it.
Working with SDRR Hydraulic & Industrial Spares Inc. on covering this project has been amazing. I want to thank them for reaching out to us, and we encourage all our readers, to give them a call and see if they can help you with your personal projects. Until next time,
Happy Motoring!
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